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Lokipan Crochet Designs

Lokipan was the name of my herd of (400) dairy goats up until I retired from farming over ten years ago. The name is made up from combining 2 mythical gods, Loki, the trickster, and Pan the god of goat herders. Goats being the eternal 4 year olds, full of whimsy, curiosity, and fun, the name was apt.

Once I started designing crochet clothing, I wanted an original name that stood out from others and once again, my favorite popped up; Lokipan

I taught myself to crochet as a teenager, wanting to make fun things, but in the 70's, the yarns available were not exactly top quality for a crocheter especially if you were not doing thread crochet. I didn't give up on crochet for another 10 years once the demands of life and a growing family on a farm took most of my energy and time.

Seven years ago, I picked up my knitting needles to make myself a scarf. I discovered that yarns had made a huge leap forward and that now you could use these beautiful yarns to crochet with! I finally picked up my crochet hooks three years ago. My first six months was spent familiarizing myself once again with crochet techniques and finding my inner creative child waiting to bounce into action.

While refreshing my skills, I discovered many wonderful crochet designers already active with beautiful designs that thrill the eyes and overwhelm the senses. Clothing and accessories of all types are now available in a wide range of colours for discerning shoppers. One of a kind items, and limited productions abound.

The design bug bit me once again. I used to design and sew clothing for children, so making the leap from sewing to crochet designs was a natural step for me. My designs are fresh, eclectic, sometimes humorous, sometimes sobering, but there's always something different to see and feel. I love to see children wearing my designs!

Although most of my designs are for children, I also develop designs for all ages. The best way to know what is happening is to subscribe to my blog to allow you to catch the new patterns as they are published. This is how you will know that a new crop of ready to purchase items that were made while the pattern was in development and testing stages will be available. Depending on the design, there may be many or there may be only one.

I use a variety of fibers, but most of my designs are made with acrylic yarn since it is non allergenic and easy care. I do from time to time have pieces that are made with more expensive yarns and those will require more care to keep them fresh.

Welcome to my blog's design pages. I hope you find something you like.
You may contact me at lokipancrochetdesigns at gmail.com with any questions or requests.
I do my best to accommodate requests and answer questions.

PS. Why a kitty for my logo?
We have a kitty, his name is Gambit, he came to us as a skinny, sick, flea-ridden, mostly dead, wee kitten. After nursing him back to health, he has been my constant companion through thick and thin. He loves nothing better than laying between my notebooks and ongoing designs. So do not be surprised if you see him sneak a paw or a whisker into a photo.