Wednesday, September 14, 2011

New directions

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What a time to get writers block! So no more of that nonsense!

I have been delaying this moment for far too long. Friends, family, customers have been pleading with me to publish my patterns. As I"m sure many other designers out there have (had) this issue at some point in their designer's journey, I am my own worst critic. That single feeling where you feel that your work is not good enough to be published has kept my patterns hidden in my notebooks, and folders on my computer. Well, the time has come, I must come out of the closet so to speak. So here I am, opening my heart, my hands and sharing my work with all of you. 

I welcome constructive critiquing, questions, and all feedback, be it positive or negative (hopefully less of the negative LOL) comments and will endeavour to answer each one.

Pour yourself a cuppa, relax, and follow along on my designer journey. I will have some patterns available free of charge on this blog which will be listed on the right and patterns for sale in my Ravelry store. And once in a while, I may toss in a knit or mixed media pattern just to keep things lively and fun.

To print the free patterns, simply click the link on the right which will take you to the post with the free pattern. Within the post at the top left, you will see a printer icon, click it and the post will open in a new screen. You can select what you want to keep and choose either save to pdf to your computer or print directly from the screen. Alternatively, you can also follow the Ravelry download link in the post.

Thank you for visiting and I hope to see you here often!

MarieAnge Brouillard aka MariAngel (rav id)

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