Hi everyone!
I know, it's Monday and I'm posting the Saturday wrap up. What can I say. I'm running behind and I'm working very hard to catch up. I'm getting there! ;) Only 2 days late!!

We made good time and got to the games at 11. We were waiting in line to park and we could hear all the pipe bands practising for the Grand Opening with the massed bands. What a treat! Yes, I love love love bag pipe music! So there! :)
Four bands led by a grand master entertained the crowds throughout the day in various parts of the park. Everywhere you turned, there were bag pipers and drummers performing various songs. Sometimes they all played at the same time so you got bag pipe music from four different directions which could be somewhat confusing but still fun to hear.
Dragonhead katana |
Elektra's katana |
My husband wants this one! |
Nick Prouse Pottery & Soaps is a great place to get really good handmade soaps. My husband has extremely sensitive skin and this is the first soap that has actually helped his hands heal up! | ||||||||
Nick Prouse Pottery & Soaps, Hamilton Ontario |
It was quite the show considering that they were dancing in very hot sunshine in velvet and wool costumes. Some of the dancers looked like they were ready to pass out and once they came off the stage, they would be opening their coat and downing bottles of water while the sweat poured down. You have to give them points for dedication.
And of course, where there are horses, you will find Karen petting one. She has had a love affair with horses since she was knee high to a grass hopper. Never showed any fear towards them and I've never seen a horse shy away from her. On the contrary, they become instant friends like this Clydesdale.
We came across this whimsical bench in the park where the games were being held. Looks can be deceiving because it was surprisingly comfortable to sit on!
It is so cute! I love the hummingbird, dragonfly and the kitty hiding behind the leaves.
Some of my friends made me promise to take photos of the burly men in kilts that can always be found at highland games. Well, here they are!
And finally the sun began to set and the final entertainment was on for the day.
Before the band Poor Angus came on stage, we were entertained by this young man who played the fiddle beautifully. No sheet music and several pieces later, he had the crowds clapping and cheering. So much so he had to come back on stage for an encore! Quite the ability for a 9 year old.
They got the crowds dancing and laughing. My daughter and her friend went out there and had a good time as you can see.
They'll be in Trenton, Ontario next and after that they'll be coming to Hamilton for September! I hope I can go see the show then.
And finally, a few more photos of the massed bands while they performed Amazing Grace. It was breathtaking and beautiful to hear and feel. The bagpipes all beginning to play at the very same moment just goes right through your body and makes your heart skip a beat.
Amazing Grace |
Setting up for Amazing Grace |
Claymore kilt pin |